Physical and Emotional Well-being of Children and Adolescents During the Initial Phase of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Apart from the direct effects of the virus on those who contracted the virus, there are likely many indirect effects on human physical and emotional health. For children, COVID-19 has caused them to continue school in a remote environment at home. The aim of this study was to quantify the changes in child and adolescent well-being surrounding the transition to virtual schooling in the early phase of COVID-19.

We designed a survey for parents to record their children’s activity levels, use of electronics, negative mood symptoms, sleep behaviors, and diet before and after they were sent home from in-person schooling.

The results confirm that virtual schooling negatively impacted children and adolescents during COVID-19, and provide information for future educational and interventional opportunities to mitigate the long-term effects of these changes.

We are continuing to follow up with families to monitor their children’s well-being as their children continue to complete school from home or transition back to in-person school.

  • Dr. Ann Millard, Department of Occupational Therapy, Marquette University

    Dr. Anne Pleva, Department of Physical Therapy, Marquette University

    Dr. Gabriel Velez, School of Education Marquette University

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